P32dasm.v2.6 Cracked

-+- P32Dasm 2.6 * Copyright (C) DARKER (SCF) 2oo9 -+-

P32Dasm is a VB PCode + Native code Decompiler. It can generate String, Numbers,
Objects, Import and Export function listing. There is also PCode Jump calculator.
You can set shortcut to your favorite hex editor for fast patching. I personally
prefer Hiew.

How to use it
Load file by pressing F1, from command line or Drag and Drop.

Tips & Tricks
– You can edit output by pressing button “Edit”. Now you can color interesting
sections, write yours comments, etc …
– For fast moving you can use Position manager. Set cursor to some position click
in Position manager to “Add” button and enter your description. Any time you
need fast jump to your location just doubleclick to your list.
– For VB Native code executables are generated only MSVBVM, External calls and
string references. Usefull for setting BPX, you don’t need search in debugger
where start some Command Button event etc …
– On BIG apps I don’t recommend use option “Use syntax highlight color” – it’s
slow, use normal mode
– If you still need syntax highlighting you can use included Syntax highlighting
for UltraEdit. Just add it to the end of original “wordfile.txt”.
– By some problems you can decompile only some parts with “Decompile from offset”
function. Experienced users only! or read below


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世界上最小的GUI 操作系统 [源代码]


Visopsys 自从1997年以来就已经开始开发,目前最新版本为0.69,它非常小巧,光盘版的才5MB左右,而软盘版的也700KB不到。并且它运行起来非常快,而 且还是开源软件。它虽然小,但是提供了功能齐全的图形界面,支持实时可占先多任务和虚拟内存。Visopsys尽力与多方兼容,但是它不是任何其他操作系统的一个克隆版本。

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Ubuntu 9.04


话说今天又火星了一把,本来应该直接救下在9.10的。结果没看好,装完了采发现有最新的版本。各种悲剧阿。 sad

本来还想美化成mac装一把B的,结果发现问题多多,也不知道是下载的光盘问题还是安装的问题,连中文都不能显示,最后装的中文输入法还有问题。不过后来还是解决了。装了特效后发现标题栏又不见了。真是各种悲剧阿。 sad 直到现在才把标题栏的问题搞定了。唉,菜,菜得很哪。

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