Cutter 免费开源逆向工具


Cutter release binaries for all major platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows) can be downloaded from GitHub Releases.

  • Linux: Download the .AppImage file. Then make it executable and run as below or use AppImageLauncher.
    chmod +x Cutter*.AppImage; ./Cutter*.AppImage
  • macOS: Download the .dmg file or use Homebrew Cask:
    brew install --cask cutter
  • Windows: Download the .zip archive or use Chocolatey:
    choco install cutter

Build from sources

To build Cutter from sources, please check the Building Docs.

Docker image

To deploy cutter using a pre-built Dockerfile, it’s possible to use the provided configuration. The corresponding file also contains instructions on how to get started using the docker image with minimal effort.


User Guide

Contribution Guidelines

Developers Docs


Cutter supports both Python and Native C++ plugins.

Our community has built many plugins and useful scripts for Cutter such as the native integration of Ghidra decompiler or the plugin to visualize DynamoRIO code coverage. You can find a list of cutter plugins linked below. Feel free to extend it with your own plugins and scripts for Cutter.

Official & Community Plugins

Plugins Development Guide


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